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What is the distance from Cancun to Tulum?

The distance from Cancun to Tulum is 130.7 km, however it is usually rounded up to 130 km. But it is worth mentioning that this distance is considering that you are in the center of Cancun.

What is the distance from Cancun airport to Tulum?

The distance from Cancun airport to the city of Tulum is 117.9 km, which can be rounded up to 118 km.

How long does it take to get from Cancun to Tulum?

Depending on the type of transfer you choose and the area of Cancun you are in, the transfer time from Cancun to Tulum can be from 1 hour and 40 minutes to two hours and 15 minutes approximately.

From downtown Cancun

  • Private transportation: 1 hour and 50 minutes.
  • Cab: 1 hour and 45 minutes
  • ADO bus service: 1 hour and 55 minutes.
  • Public transportation: 2 hours and 15 minutes.

From Cancun Airport

  • Private transportation: 1 hour and 40 minutes.
  • Cab: 1 hour and 40 minutes

How much does the van from Cancun to Tulum cost?

The price of the van from Cancun to Tulum and which is only through a private transfer service costs 110 USD for 1 to 3 passengers, 115 USD for 4 to 6 passengers, 120 USD for 7 to 8 passengers and 199 USD for groups up to 16 passengers.

How to get from Cancun to Tulum?

To move from Cancun to Tulum, you can take a private transfer service, a cab, an ADO bus or take the combination of the Playa Express vans to Playa del Carmen and from there, take the “traslado Foráneo Tulum” vans.

Tags: distance between tulum and cancun, distance cancun tulum, cancun to tulum distance, cancun tulum distance, distance cancun to tulum, distance cancun to tulum, distance cancun to tulum, distance cancun to tulum, distance tulum to cancun, distance tulum to cancun.